On June 18, 2012, I published Health and Safety on Amazon KDP. Just like I did with all of the little short stories about A Cat Named Mouse, I sent off a tweet, wrote a little blog post, hit up some forums - the usual.
But reviews have been slow across the board and that has been getting me down. I don't consider myself to be an author. I'm just some guy that puts a bunch of words together and hope they make a sentence. If I'm really lucky, those random sentences even form a plot.
I enjoyed writing Health and Safety and I ended it on a bit of a cliffhanger. It's really meant to be a primer to a much larger novel. As it stands, Health and Safety is just under fifty pages. Like the Mouse series, I wrote it while waiting for my pride and joy novel, The Connected: Origin of the Sleepers to be edited.
Today, after finishing my business cards, I checked the QR code on the sample card to make sure it would take people to the right book. I noticed something. I had two reviews!
Here is the first one, titled: Funny, thought-provoking novella! 5 Stars
And the second review, actually made me cry. I literally cried when I read it. I needed that so badly after the week I've been having.
The title of the second review: More talent, creativity, and originality in under fifty pages than many authors present with an epic. 4 Stars
I'm still kind of teary-eyed after having read these reviews. Maybe I'm going through male-menopause....
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